
Gene Expression Patterns In Malaria Discovered

by Gopalan on Feb 6 2010 12:42 PM

Scientists at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University's (NTU) School of Biological Sciences (SBS) have been able uncover hitherto unknown gene expression patterns in malaria.

Scientists at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University's (NTU) School of Biological Sciences (SBS) have been able uncover hitherto unknown gene expression patterns in malaria. The development is hailed as a breakthrough as it could lead to the development of more potent drugs or a vaccine for the dreaded disease.

The Singapore research has yielded critical information about how the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum -- the most deadly form of malaria -- responds to existing compounds with curative potential.

The genome or the complete DNA content of the Plasmodium falciparum has about 5,300 genes. Up till now, scientists have a good understanding of the gene functions for only about half of the more than 5,000 genes. Now Asst Prof Zbynek Bozdech's team has successfully uncovered the gene functions for almost the entire genome, with more than 90 percent of the gene functions from the previously unknown half now better understood.

"Drawing on our findings, pharmaceutical companies could explore ways to design a drug that targets the weakest link," said Asst Prof Bozdech of his research which was supported with S$900,000 in grants from Singapore's Ministry of Education and the National Medical Research Council. "We have predicted all the genes that could be used for a vaccine as well," he said.

Researchers at Germany's renowned institute for tropical diseases, the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, have validated the research findings, which are expected to provide exciting new insights into parasite biology.

"The successful NTU-BNI joint project has led to the creation of the world's first database to predict the functions of more than 2,500 genes of the malaria parasite previously unknown. The database would be useful to scientists around the world who are developing new vaccines and drugs," says Dr. Tim Gilberger, Head, Malaria Research at BNI.

Preventing malaria infection is important because resistance to anti-malarial drugs is a growing problem worldwide. There is currently no vaccine for malaria, which is widespread in poorer countries where it remains a hindrance to economic development. Also of growing concern to scientists is the confirmation of the first signs of resistance to the only affordable treatment left in the global medicine cabinet for malaria: Artemisinin. 

"The wealth of new information arising from our extensive four-year study is a major contribution to the worldwide effort to better understand and treat malaria," said Prof Peter Rainer Preiser, Deputy Director of NTU's BioSciences Research Centre and a member of the NTU research team.

The research has been published in January 2010 edition of Nature Biotechnology,  a satellite publication of Nature, the world's leading peer-reviewed journal.













