General and health insurer, United India Insurance (UII) will implement core insurance solutions across India in one year’s time.
General and health insurer, United India Insurance (UII), which recently secured Tamil Nadu’s health plan known as the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Project will implement core insurance solutions across India in one year’s time. This will connect all of its 1,465 offices spread across the country, within a time span of 10 months to one year.
The core insurance solutions will help customers access their insurance policy details online 24/7. It will also deliver better service through the enhanced management information system.
UII has already achieved the premium target of Rs 5,872 crore for the third quarter of the current fiscal year. It showed a growth of 27 percent. By the end of the current fiscal year, it is expected to cross the target of Rs 8,000 crore worth of business.