Alcohol dependence and binge eating are more common in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than in the general population.

‘Common genetic factors and 91 percent of the association between ADHD symptoms and binge-eating behaviour was observed.’

The research suggests that certain individuals inherit a susceptibility for both ADHD symptoms and dependency disorders or binge eating, thus these problems must be treated in parallel, said Andrea Johansson Capusan from Linkoping University in Sweden. 

"When treating adults who come with dependency disorder or substance-abuse behaviour, it's important to remember that ADHD is very common in these patients. And conversely-it's important to treat ADHD early in order to prevent alcohol dependence and binge eating later in life," Capusan added.
For the study, the researchers examined more than 18,000 twin pairs aged between 20 and 46 years.
They compared identical twins, who share 100 percent of their genes, with fraternal twins, whose genetic makeups are no more similar to each other than any pair of siblings.
Twin pairs grow up in the same environment, but are affected by individual environmental factors, such as diseases and their circles of friends, the researchers said.
The remaining variance was accounted for by environmental factors specific for each twin with no sex differences for the overlap.
The study helped researchers to determine whether the correlation between different conditions can best be explained by a person's genetic background giving higher susceptibility to a condition, or whether environmental factors are significant.
Since heredity plays such a large role, it is important that ADHD is treated at an early stage, and that measures are taken to prevent individuals developing these disorders later in life, the researchers concluded.