Researchers have found a genetic mutation that has helped in understanding how peripheral artery disease or PAD develops and progresses in humans.
Researchers have found a genetic mutation that has helped in understanding how peripheral artery disease or PAD develops and progresses in humans.
Peripheral arterial disease occurs when major arteries in the legs become clogged with plaque, a fatty build-up that’s similar to the deposits in coronary arteries that can lead to a heart attack.Its symptoms range from leg pain brought on by walking that goes away with rest to a more serious form, marked by continuous pain and sores and ulcers on the legs that often lead to amputation.
The mice based study, led by Dr. Brian Annex, professor of medicine and director of vascular medicine at Duke, is likely to give a new insight into how PAD develops and progresses in humans.
Annex said that the study stemmed directly from his clinical experience.