The US FDA has paved the way for introduction of genetically engineered animals into the nation’s food supply chain.
The US Food and Drug Administration has paved the way for introduction of genetically engineered animals into the nation’s food supply chain by stating that it has not found any evidence that the introduction of such an animal, a fast growing salmon, has any significant impact on the environment.
The health agency went on to add that the genetically engineered salmon was as safe as eating a conventional Atlantic salmon and is expected to accept public comments over its environmental assessment over the next two months, though the final approval for the salmon is still months away.
The assessment has come under criticism from environmental and consumer groups who claim that introducing genetically engineered salmon has no social redeeming value. “The G.E. salmon has no socially redeeming value. It’s bad for the consumer, bad for the salmon industry and bad for the environment. F.D.A.’s decision is premature and misguided”, the executive director of the Center for Food Safety, Andrew Kimbrell said.