
Genital Herpes - No Symptoms But A Potent Carrier

Genital herpes - A sexually transmitted virus that leads to blisters on or near the genitals or rectum that opens into painful sores taking a long period to heal. As time passes outbreaks may be less severe and for short period.

According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, genital herpes is an infected virus that may not show symptoms and even cause serious infection in babies born to mothers with this condition. It may infect even our sexual partner that can be prevented by the use of condoms. Even though condoms acts as a barrier in reducing the risk of spreading the disease it can still spread if the condoms do not cover the sores present in that area.

Although there are certain medications to control the outbreaks of the disease there no such curing method still identified. According to CDC the only best way to prevent the infection is avoid sex with the infected partner.
