German officials on Monday made aware of the hazards of legal highs which carry incalculable health risks to consumers.

"There are incalculable health risks attached" to the drugs, often sold as "plant food" or "bath salt", the officials said.
Consumers of the drugs can suffer from circulatory failure, unconsciousness, hallucinations and muscle decay and often require emergency hospital treatment, according to the statement.
Earlier this month, the European Union called for a complete ban on one type of legal high -- mephedrone -- after a string of deaths related to the drug.
In Britain, authorities banned the drug, known as "plant food" or "meow meow", but it remains legal in several countries, according to the EU.
In its annual report, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) warned that the availability of legal highs was exploding.
The "legal highs" are frequently sold via the Internet and packaging often contains intentionally incorrect labelling of ingredients, the EMCDDA warned.