
Get UV-Protective Sunglasses to Save Your Eyes From Sun Damage

by Reshma Anand on May 4 2016 5:27 PM

Fifty five percent of people in their 20s never, rarely or only sometimes wear sunglasses, leaving their eyes at risk of UV rays damage.

Get UV-Protective Sunglasses to Save Your Eyes From Sun Damage
It’s best to wear sunglasses to protect your vision from the sun's ultraviolet rays as overexposure to these harmful rays can result in dangerous health consequences.
According to a nationwide survey, one in three adults in the US overlook sunglasses and as a result 34 percent people have experienced symptoms of prolonged UV exposure such as eye irritation, trouble seeing and red or swollen eyes.

The findings showed that only 31 percent of Americans protect their eyes with sunglasses or other ultraviolet (UV)-protective eyewear every time they go out in the sun.

"UV damage to your eyes can start in as little as 15 minutes," said Justin Bazan, medical adviser to The Vision Council -- the global voice for vision care products and services.

The research showed that even though Americans fear vision loss, taking the protective measure of wearing sunglasses is not a high priority.

Only 14 percent are likely to wear sunglasses while watching outdoor sporting events and only 44 percent are likely to wear sunglasses at the beach.

In addition, the survey revealed that Americans place comfort (65 percent) and affordability (54 percent) before UV protection (44 percent) when purchasing sunglasses.

Parents are more likely to wear shades always or often (56 percent) than their children (29 percent).

Many adults who rarely or never wear sunglasses (25 percent) report that they skip UV eye protection because they don't own prescription sunglasses (41 percent).

Millennials are least likely to protect their vision: 55 percent of people in their 20s never, rarely or only sometimes wear sunglasses.

UV radiation is present throughout the year, on sunny days and cloudy ones, too. Further, elements such as water, grass, concrete and snow can powerfully reflect UV light, which can be virtually as harmful as direct UV, the researchers said.

"Many consumers purchase sunglasses based on style and comfort, but when choosing a pair of sunglasses, it's vital to check the label to make sure lenses are UVA/UVB protective," added Mike Daley, CEO of The Vision Council.

To mitigate the risks of UV-related eye damage, people should make UV protection a crucial consideration when buying sunglasses and look for lenses and frames that are designed for specific activities and lifestyles.

People should purchase sunglasses only from a reputable source and look for a label on the lens or frame indicating UVA and UVB protection.

The Vision Council commissioned the VisionWatch Survey in December 2015, surveying 10,279 adults -- 18 and older about their sunglass use and habits, and knowledge about the dangers of UV radiation through an online survey tool.

"By highlighting the cumulative and irreversible damage UV overexposure can cause, we hope to encourage Americans to make UV-eye protection an everyday habit to preserve their eyesight," the researchers suggested.












