Tykerb has been filed for approval with FDA and European regulators to test its efficacy against neck and head tumors.
Tykerb, a breast cancer drug from Glaxo Smithkline has been filed for approval with America’s FDA and European regulators. The result of this approval will be known by March 13 and by September in US and Europe respectively.
According to the company sources, this drug is expected to generate £ 1 bn a year not only from treating breast cancer but also from brain and kidney carcinomas. Navid Malik, an analyst from Collins Stewart states that Tykerb will be similar to Avastin, a Roche drug intended for colorectal, lung or breast cancer.Advanced trial for Tykerb on its efficacy against neck and head tumors will commence soon. Jean-Pierre Garnier who heads Glaxo Smithkline said that the drug will be given to people who have just had surgery as part of phase III trial to prevent the tumor from growing in size. As per the report on Phase I study presented recently at Barcelona, 89% patients responded positively to Tykerb taken in combination with chemotherapy and radiation.