For those unlucky to be afflicted by the deadly chronic myeloid leukemia (CMC) and their near and dear ones, there's some good news. One of the
For those unlucky to be afflicted by the deadly chronic myeloid leukemia (CMC) and their near and dear ones, there's some good news. One of the deadliest forms of leukemia - commonly called 'blood cancer' - kills thousands across the globe. Chronic myeloid leukemia was one of the deadliest killers around and still continues to be one. But there's good news. Multinational pharmaceutical giant Novartis - has announced that a new drug called 'Glivec ' can be used as a 'first line therapy' is the treatment of CMC. This was announced by researchers at a meeting of American Society of Hematology in San Francisco, on Saturday Evening. The researchers added up to 30% patients have no traces of the disease after being treated with Glivec. Glivec comes as an alternative to painful bone marrow transplants and - interferon, a more toxic injectable treatment.