
Global Fund Demands Account from Kenya For $10 million

Its accounting time at the Global Fund Centre and Kenya has been asked to spell out, account of expenditure for the $10-million received from the Global Fund’s intended 134 million. The fund was provided to Kenya to assist in combating Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Now, Kenya would have to provide the accounts of how the money was utilized, failing which it might stand to lose $100 million. Kenya has been ridden with serious corruption problems that have created friction with the international donors who might withhold the funding, if redressal measures are not adopted.

A decision will be taken by the fund for further disbursement of another installment, according to Deputy Director of Global fund, Hellen Evans. HIV has afflicted more than a million Kenyans and only 44,000 of the 200,000 in need of antiretroviral, actually receive the drugs. Children form miniscule recipients of 1200 only.
