The die hard chocó fans could crack open a bar of chocolate, in celebration of some good news. Finally chocolate reveals its true colors and bares its heart!
The die hard chocó fans could crack open a bar of chocolate, in celebration of some good news. Finally chocolate reveals its true colors and bares its heart! When you melt to a bar of chocolate, you are wholeheartedly rewarded, reveals a new finding.
Researchers in the United States, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore recruited 1,200 subjects, for an 18-month study to gauge the influence of aspirin on blood platelets. There was an instruction to the subjects to avoid a number of food items, which included chocolates, as they were thought to affect platelets.Among the study subjects, 139 people were chocoholics, so scientists simply observed the impact of chocolate on these patients. The finding revealed that even two tablespoons of dark chocolate consumed on a daily basis had the capacity to cause a decline in the formation of blood clots that could be fatal.
Diane Becker, the lead researcher, said: "What these chocolate 'offenders' taught us is that the chemical in cocoa beans has a biochemical effect similar to aspirin in reducing platelet clumping, which can be fatal if a clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack." But this is by no means a blanket approval to simply binge on the sweet treat.
"Eating a little bit of chocolate or having a drink of hot cocoa as part of a regular diet is probably good for personal health, so long as people don't eat too much of it, and too much of the kind with lots of butter and sugar," she said.
So, if you are heading out to shop for some chocolates, rest assured you have made the right move!