
Google's Hottest Aussie Search: 'How to Have Sex'

by Tanya Thomas on Jul 6 2010 11:02 AM

 Google`s Hottest Aussie Search: `How to Have Sex`
'How to have sex' turned out to be the most popular "how to" Google search carried out by Australians in the last three months.
And the second most searched topic turned out to be "how to kiss".

In fact, girls also asked Google how to get someone to like them and men wanting to know how to ask a woman out.

Experts say it shows that shy teens and twenty-somethings are now turning to the Internet rather than their friends for intimate love lessons.

And if you thought sex education stops there, then you are wrong, for "how to get pregnant" was the 17th most popular search.

Apart from the bedroom, 'how to lose weight', 'get a six-pack' and 'make comfort food like pancakes' made it to the top 10 topics concerning Aussies.

Facebook also seems to have its users confused, with searches for deleting and creating fan pages on the site running high along with, worryingly, those on how to hack a user's account.

In fact, large numbers of Aussies turned to the net for advice on writing a cover letter, resume or just ways of making money.

Yet making paper planes, writing a biography and solving the Rubik's cube also proved distracting and had many searching for answers.

Experian Hitwise research director Alan Long, who is involved in tracking about three million websites daily, said the search list showed how the internet was increasingly becoming a confidant for the younger generation.

"They ask things that they wouldn't ask their friends," quoted Long as saying.

"The wrap-up is pretty similar to the international (search list) but in a slightly different order," he added.

