
GP Loses His Job After Playing Dirty With a Mentally Disturbed Lady Patient

by Savitha C Muppala on Jul 16 2008 7:17 PM

A general practitioner in Britain lost his job and reputation after playing dirty with a lady patient, who had approached him for help from depression and anxiety.

A general practitioner in Britain lost his job and reputation after playing dirty with a lady patient, who had approached him for help from depression and anxiety. The General Medical Council (GMC) has struck him off the list after the panel found him unfit for practice.

The treatment began in 1988, after the lady in question, identified as Miss A, approached Dr Keith Fraser for severe anxiety following a scrap with her ex-boyfriend, which had left her with an injured nose. The 53 year old doctor, married and father of six children had been treating her for depression, but it was in 2003 that he began to make sexual advances towards Miss A.

A clandestine four year liaison followed with Miss A, and during this time the doctor harassed her with demands for sex, making more than 20 calls in a day. To win her over, he also began to woo her with costly gifts, and often sent text messages with sexual overtones.

During the hearing, Miss A said,  'He had always been a touchy-feely doctor and always use to call me babe. But the pats began turning into hugs and strokes. It was a friendship that went horribly wrong on his side. I was scared when he hugged me that he wouldn't let go.'

The doctor confessed he was absolutely taken up by the attention he received from Miss A during her visits. He said: 'I have been aware from a very young age that I am not God's gift to womankind and I guess I was surprised by the attraction. I just did not expect anybody would want to be that attracted to me. I believe in total Miss A received somewhere in the region of £37,000 to £38,000. She came in to see me and see if I would give her quite a large sum, tens of thousands of pounds, and that would be all she'd need. I explained to her I didn't have that amount of money and I wasn't prepared to give her any more. She said something along the lines of, "Blackmail is an ugly word but I have to consider whether to go down that road."'

Patrick Conway of the GMC panel ruled, 'Although the panel does not accept that Patient A entered into the relationship in order to entrap you, it does accept that, as the relationship progressed, she took advantage of your generosity for financial gain. But your actions fell seriously short of the standards of behavior the public are entitled to expect from doctors.'

After the affair became public, Dr Fraser’s wife applied for divorce. The doctor has left his home, and his children have boycotted him. Presently, the doc is earning £350-a-week as a truck driver in Bradford.













