A 69-year-old woman is threatening to take her fight for cannabis right into the NHS hospitals. Health authorities warn they would report to the police.
A 69-year-old woman is threatening to take her fight for cannabis right into the NHS hospitals. Health authorities are threatening to get her arrested her if she does so, but clearly they are embarrassed.
Patricia Tabram of Durham was found guilty in March last year of possessing and cultivating cannabis.But she has continued to use the drug and said she would take it into Darlington Memorial Hospital to relieve pain after a kidney operation.
Bosses at the NHS hospital said they would call police if she brought in food containing illegal drugs.
Mrs Tabram, of Tudhoe Moor, Spennymoor, began taking cannabis four years ago to combat back and neck pain.
She said: "I want to go in and have the operation, but I want to be pain-free. Consultants and doctors have told me that cannabis is the best pain killer in the world.
"If I am going to die because I won't take modern medication, and I need the operation - I'll have it. But I will prepare my own medication in food."
"The Trust has a duty to protect all patients and all drugs on NHS premises have to be prescribed to ensure we safeguard patients.
Last year Mrs Tabram was convicted of growing and possessing cannabis and ordered to do 250 hours community work.