Macabre images on cigarette packets are arousing mixed responses from the smokers.
Macabre images on cigarette packets are arousing mixed responses from the smokers.
While the authorities and marketing surveys are quite optimistic about the new attempt to fight against smoking through pictorial warnings, chronic smokers seemed to be displeased with the whole idea.Public reactions were mixed to the anti-smoking campaign that started with the displays of images of smoking-affected organs and body parts in the cigarette packets. This is in addiction to the usual statutory warnings.
Massey University marketing professor Janet Hoek said several studies had shown the images made a difference. The pictorial warnings seemed to elicit greater quitting intentions. The results given by the Smoking lobby group Ash about the increased phone calls to the nation’s smoking quit line supplies further evidence about the effect of graphic designs.
Associate Health Minister Damien O'Connor said he made no apologies for the tactic to get people to quit the habit that claimed about 5000 lives a year.
The initiative has got all the blessings of so many anti-smoking groups of the country.