
Great News! Cancer Diagnosis Available in India in Just Three to Five Minutes!

by Hannah Punitha on Jan 28 2008 6:36 PM

Just wait for three to five minutes and take your Cancer diagnosis right away!

The URC test that is available in India is a painless, hassle free and cost-effective screening test for detecting cancer of the stomach, lung, bladder and colon in an unconventional way.

From China’s Wuhan University it has found its way to Kolkata.

Commonly known as 'URC' (urine test reagent for cancer screening and monitoring), the new system, costs just Rs 1,000, said Kunal Mukherjee the Managing Director of MM Biotech Company.

Mukherjee a Cancer specialist said that the result would be known in 3 to 5 minutes from the urine. The new system is certified by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) and approved by the Drug Controller of India.

The patients if tested positive at this stage would be advised to switch over to an anti-cancer diet he said.

Mukherjee said that the URC system was highly successful when tested on 300 persons for early detection of cancer in Pune and Mumbai, and URC, he said, was also used to track the improvement in cancer treatment.

Mukherjee said that the Commercial launch of the system would be made in Kolkata shortly.

