
Guidelines for Chronic Wounds Care

The Wound Healing Society (WHS) and Blackwell Publishing are excited to announce the publication of the WHS Clinical Guidelines for Chronic Wounds in a special issue of Wound Repair and Regeneration (WRR), the premier journal for wound healing.

Because of continued interest by the WHS membership and with a grant from the Wound Healing Foundation, a proposal was developed to establish guidelines for the treatment of chronic wounds.

Separate, multi-disciplinary panels with representation from a wide spectrum of scientific, medical and nursing societies/associations having wound care as a major scope of interest were appointed to develop the respective guidelines for the major categories of chronic wounds.

The Guidelines are the product of more than a year of intense work by four committees. Draft guidelines were presented for discussion and revision at conferences held at the National Institutes of Health last spring, as well as at the 2006 WHS Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. in May. Public input was evaluated and incorporated into the guidelines by the committees, which submitted the guidelines to WRR in their final form this fall.

'The discourse continues and panel members responsible for the development of the guidelines welcome further discussion on treatments that have not been cited and hope that this process will be an incentive for further research and contributions to the wound care literature,' says Adrian Barbul, leader of this project and current president of the Wound Healing Society.

Meanwhile, these published guidelines should serve as a valuable resource for those involved with the science and practice of wound healing.

