
Gujarat Seeks To Scale Down Infant Mortality Rate

The Gujarat Government seeks to bring down infant and mortality rates through the launch of its new health program. As many as 5,000 mothers and 72,000 babies die every year during delivery in the State.

Through this new program named Chiranjeevi, the government aims to bring the maternal mortality rates down from the present 3.89 to one. Similarly, the Health Department expects the infant mortality rate to come down to 30 per thousand births. The infant mortality rate at present is as high as 57 per 1,000 births.

The Government has decided to spend Rs.93.5 million from its emergency fund for the purpose. As a part of the program, it plans to make its infrastructure and skilled labor available in the far remote tribal areas, and distant seashore settlements where the mortality rate is high.

Maternal mortality is considered to be very high in the districts of Kutch, Banaskantha, Sabarkantha, the Panchmahals and Dahod, which are mainly populated by nomads and tribes. The Government plans to spend an average Rs. 1,795 on a delivery for the families living below poverty line.

The Government would also ensure that gynecologists pursuing private practice are available in the primary health centers.

Edited IANS
