
Hair cells can generate more stem cells than scalp

In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, researchers are of the opinion that hair cells are a richer source of stem cells than the scalp etc.

In the research conducted, beard cells produced more stem cell factor than scalp cells, while the beard and scalp fibroblasts secreted significantly less stem cell factor. The research also shows that androgens may alter the production of stem cell factors in the hair, for certain period in the life of a hair strand. However, this in no way reduces the importance of the fact that dermal papilla of the hair follicle is the richest source of stem cells till date. Scientists are of the opinion that this is probably due to the reason that hair grows very fast and can replenish itself also equally fast.

Stem cells are nascent cells capable of becoming any cell on maturation. One major hurdle in the stem cell research was the production of the stem cells. Taking these cells from the human embryo had generated a lot of controversies. Hence this new source of stem cells will boost not only the study of the stem cells and their therapeutic uses, but may create a new treatment to cure baldness.

