A recent study reveals there may be a link between hardening of the arteries and depression in elderly people.A new study shows patients with calcium
A recent study reveals there may be a link between hardening of the arteries and depression in elderly people.A new study shows patients with calcium deposits in the aorta were twice as likely to suffer from depression, while patients with calcium deposits in the heart were up to four times more likely to be depressed.
Researchers sampled nearly 4,000 patients aged 60 years or older, who had been diagnosed with having atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, in different parts of the body.Specialists say combined measure of extracoronary (not in the heart itself) atherosclerosis was related to depressive disorders, although at some of the different locations the association was only moderate and nonsignificantThus researchers say depression may be a risk factor for atherosclerosis.