Dr Theodore Soutzos, a 45-year-old Harley Street psychiatrist, allegedly preyed on vulnerable women and seduced them by taking them to art galleries
Dr Theodore Soutzos, a 45-year-old Harley Street psychiatrist, allegedly preyed on vulnerable women and seduced them by taking them to art galleries and restaurants. The General Medical Council is hearing this case and it heard how Dr Soutzos conned three women into giving him sexual favors. “Dr Soutzos behaved in a similar manner to these patients by eliciting personal information which was permissible in his role as a psychiatrist," said Sarah Plashckes, for the General Medical Council.
The former Priory Clinic doctor had relationships with three females named as A, B and C. The hearing was also told that female A tried to commit suicide and jumped into the Thames after breaking up with him. After she was re-admitted into the hospital, Soutzos begged her not to reveal of the affair with him.
“He said it would kill his mother and destroy his career if it came out. He said his career was in her hands,” Ms Plaschkes told the hearing.
Similar incidents took place with B and C with the latter even having a six-month affair with him. Dr Soutzos denies having a relationship with A and B, but has admitted to his affair with C.