The biggest numbers of 'hazardous drinkers were found in some of the country’s most wealthy areas making Surrey and North Yorkshire land top spots in league tables.
Drinkers in middle-class areas in the UK are more prone to consume hazardous amounts of alcohol compared to their counterparts in poorer areas, a new research has revealed.
In a drive organised by the Department of Health, social drinkers will be warned that more than a glass of winner per day will impair their health, like in the case of young binge drinkers.'Most of these are not young people, they are ‘everyday’ drinkers who have drunk too much for too long. This has to change,' the Telegraph quoted Dawn Primarolo, the Public Health Minister, as saying.
The research by the North West Public Health Observatory found that people from relatively affluent areas are more likely to cross sensible levels of alcohol consumption than those living in deprived areas.
However, the lowest rate was found in relatively deprived Newham, East London, with 14.1 per cent.
'In order to stop further increases in alcohol-related deaths and admission to hospital, we must reverse the tolerance that most communities have built up by simply consuming too much alcohol on a weekly basis,' Professor Mark Bellis, director of the observatory, said.
Karen Tocque, director of science and strategy at the North West Public Health Observatory, said that regular risks are morel likely to be involved in domestic violence.
The research also showed that harmful drinkers are from deprived areas of the country. Topping the table is Manchester with 8.8 pct of adults and Liverpool follows with 8.1 pct.
'Both hazardous and harmful drinking patterns are contributing to increasing alcohol-related ill-health and pressures on health services across the whole country,' the researchers said.