Adding hazelnuts to older adults' diet can significantly improve their micronutrient levels, reveals a new study.

‘Adding hazelnuts to older adults' diet can significantly improve their micronutrient levels.’
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In the study, 32 people age 55 and older ate about 57 grams of hazelnuts - 2 ounces or about one-third cup - daily for 16 weeks.Read More..

Results showed increased blood concentrations of magnesium and elevated urinary levels of a breakdown product of alpha-tocopherol, commonly known as vitamin E.
The findings are important because many Americans do not eat adequate amounts of either micronutrient. Older adults are at particular risk - lower concentrations of the micronutrients are associated with increased risk of age-related health problems including Alzheimer's disease.
"This is one of the first times a study of this type has focused only on older adults," said co-author Alex Michels, a researcher at OSU's Linus Pauling Institute. "We wanted to fill in a piece of the puzzle - can hazelnuts improve the nutritional status of older adults specifically?"
Michels also noted few hazelnut studies have involved Oregon hazelnuts, which account for 99 percent of U.S. production of a nut also known as the filbert.
Maret Traber, the study's corresponding author, notes that she and her collaborators used a novel biomarker - an alpha-tocopherol metabolite - to determine hazelnuts had improved the research subjects' vitamin E levels.
The catabolite is alpha carboxyethyl hydroxychromanol, abbreviated to α-CEHC.
"It's basically a vitamin E molecule where the tail has been chewed up into nothing, part of the natural breakdown process of vitamin E as the body uses it," Michels said. "We saw urinary α-CEHC levels go up in almost every participant."
In addition, blood analysis showed decreases in glucose and low-density lipoproteins, also known as "bad" cholesterol, in addition to increases in magnesium.
"All of which says that hazelnuts are good for you," Traber said. "The findings demonstrate the power of adding hazelnuts to your diet, or just changing one thing. Vitamin E and magnesium are two of the most under-consumed micronutrients in the U.S. population, and there's much more to hazelnuts than what we analyzed here. They're also a great source of healthy fats, copper, and B6. People don't like taking multivitamins, but hazelnuts represent a multivitamin in a natural form."