A YouGov poll of 2,105 people has found that migraine is the most favored excuse for missing work among Brits.
A YouGov poll of 2,105 people has found that migraine is the most favored excuse for missing work among Brits. Some 15% workers admitted that if they wanted to bunk work, they used migraine as an excuse. Imigran, manufacturer of migraine medication, commissioned this survey.
The fear is that migraine sufferers will not be taken seriously as everyone appears to be faking one. The survey found that 28% were worried that their boss may not take their word, while 21% said they were concerned their colleagues would misunderstand them."The research shows migraine sufferers worry how their migraines are negatively affecting colleague's views of them," said Lee Tomkins, director of Migraine Action Association. "Since the economic downturn we've seen 104% increase in calls to our helpline and we estimate approximately 35% of these are work related issues."
Some 29% also admitted that they would be suspicious if their colleagues took a day off complaining of migraine, while 11% felt the colleague should come to work even if he/she had a migraine.
Migraine-related absenteeism is estimated to cost £2.25 billion on an annual basis.