
Health Care Crisis Could Be Major Issue in Nevada Presidential Caucuses

The Nevada presidential caucuses "could turn on how well the candidates address the United States' growing health care crisis," the New York Times reports.

According to the Times, the state has an "unusually high number" of uninsured residents, a shortage of physicians and low Medicaid reimbursements.

In addition, "health care safety nets are eroding" in the state, the Times reports.

A recent poll of 500 likely Democratic voters in the state found that, when asked about the "single most important issue in determining" the candidate that they would select, 20% cited health care -- the issue most mentioned after the economy, which 21% cited.

The poll, conducted by Research 2000 for the Reno Gazette-Journal, had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Source-Kaiser Family Foundation
