With the sex ratio in the country worsening at an alarming rate, the Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad called on a meeting

"As per 2011Census, there is a further decline of 13 points and the ratio now stands at 914 girls for every 1000 boys in the 0-6 age group. 22 States and 5 Union Territories have shown a decline in the child sex ratio since the last Census and in 50 districts the decline has been greater than the national average," he added.
Asserting that the potential hazards of this gender imbalance are many, Azad said: "The adverse child sex ratio can severely impact the delicate equilibrium of nature and destroy our moral and social fabric. This could lead to increased violence against women, abduction, rape, and trafficking."
He said that the success of our efforts requires the wholehearted participation and support of professional bodies, civil society groups and the media.
"The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has already enacted the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Tests Act,1994 ((PC and PNDT) for preventing the misuse of medical techniques for sex determination, both before and after conception. The implementation of PC and PNDT Act, however, rests with States and ensuring its effective enforcement further devolves down to the District Appropriate Authorities," he added
He further informed that 436 cases have been registered against violation of the PC and PNDT Act in last two years as against 789 cases between 1996 and 2010.
Inspections by the National Inspection and Monitoring Committee (NIMC) have been stepped up in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Odisha, Punjab and Bihar," he added.
He hoped that members will take note of the serious socio-cultural and economic implications of the declining child sex ratio and help pave the way for mass involvement in ridding the country of this social evil.