November 26th, 2011 is dedicated as Anti-Obesity Day in India. The anti-obesity initiatives for 2011, hover around creating awareness about obesity, its health risks and the best ways to manage weight

Presently, one in 6 women and one in 5 men are overweight in India. Indeed, there is a dire need to trim, as obesity figures are bulging dangerously at a staggering 70 million in India. The increasing bulge of India’s burgeoning population is directly proportional to its burden on health. In India, malnutrition and obesity are two coexisting extremes which contribute to leading causes of death.
Unbelievable as it may sound, India is in the forefront of an obesity epidemic. The campaign against obesity is much needed and November 26th, 2011 is dedicated as Anti-Obesity Day in India. The anti-obesity initiatives for 2011, hover around creating awareness about obesity, its health risks and the best ways to manage weight.
‘Weight’ and Watch
The problem is that as we grow richer, we are unable to resist the temptation to eat rich food. These days, one does not need an excuse to hit the restaurants with increasing frequency. If one were to read about the growing numbers of obese children, it is as if Indian parents are fed with the ideology that being fat equals to being healthy.
Today, it is no longer a lean childhood, as most children are having trouble carrying their own weight. There is immense trouble brewing, for 17 % of the youngsters in the age group of 14-18 in India are overweight or obese.
Obesity has a deep impact on a child’s life. Obesity opens up a Pandora box of health issues, and emotional troubles. Most often, obese children grow up to be obese adults, enhancing their risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke in the future.
How can we be fit when we look up to fat? May sound clichéd, but fat parents raise fat kids. So the problem has to be tackled at its source.
Parents must watch what they eat as children emulate their habits. In effect, parents must be good role-models for their children. Further, parents must lead by example in terms of engaging in regular physical activity. Encouraging children to play outdoors, motivating them with incentives and ensuring they eat right can go a long way in ensuring healthy children.
Reasons to Fight Obesity
• Obesity triggers 53 diseases.
• Obesity alters blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglycerides, which can lead to life-threatening health conditions.
• Obesity causes insulin resistance leading to Diabetes.
• Obesity is also the primary cause of many non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Tackle Obesity
1. A balanced diet with adequate amounts of vegetables, proteins, and fruits is the key to eating right and managing weight. Include more fiber in the diet and make sure to avoid junk food, snacks and bakery products.
2. Regular exercise 4-5 times a week is an absolute must to prevent obesity.
3. Monitor weight regularly
On Anti-obesity day, let us endeavor to raise a food smart generation who will shape the destiny of India and take it towards a healthy future.