Studies have revealed that pre-workout supplement containing vital ingredients can delay muscular fatigue and keep you energized for a long time.

The study was financially aided by the supplement manufacturing company- the MusclePharma. The supplements of MusclePharm make up most of the US market. It accounts for about 5% of the entire market, as reported by the Leatherhead Food Research.
Brandon Spradley et al conducted the study for which 12 recreationally- trained men, aged between 28 and 30 years voluntarily participated for a period of three weeks.
Twenty minutes before their exercise regime, the men were given either a placebo or supplement. Their exercise regime included one-rep maximum (1-RM) for bench and leg press, intermittent velocity tests and choice reaction test.
Caffeine, a main ingredient of the supplement, Assault, is a mild stimulant that affects the central nervous system and has the potential to influence human neuromuscular performance. In an attempt to maximize the effectiveness of caffeine, supplement manufacturers often combine several ingredients, possibly enhancing caffeine’s stimulatory potential.The researchers observed that such ingredients contained amino acids and creatine, both of which were a part of Assault supplement.
The experts finally concluded that, “From a practical perspective, college-age males who recreationally participate in sports where auditory stimuli are abundant, such as team sports where verbal cues are encouraged may experience increases in performance after ingesting the pre-workout supplement used in the current study (Assault).”