Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology solutions offer solutions for effective communication in patients on ventilators.
- The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for communication among patients on ventilators, especially in critical care settings around the world
- Various applications and technologies for patient communication in an ICU setting seem promising
- The application of Artificial Intelligence as well as machine learning in this context needs to be explored
Ineffective Communication in ICU patients: Causes and Consequences
Interpersonal communication in the form of verbal communication and gestures is an essential skill that allows humans to share their thoughts, bring attention to their needs, and express their emotions and feelings. Critically ill patients admitted to the critical care unit frequently require life-saving measures like mechanical ventilation, which compromises their ability to communicate. Consequently, while on the ventilator, the patient acquires muscle weakness, which impairs their gestural communication as well. This disrupts all options for effective and meaningful interpersonal interactions between patients and health care providers. Prior evidence and studies describe that up to 60% of ICU patients reported high levels of frustration, consequent feelings of loneliness, resentment, delirium, and violence associated with their inability to communicate. Ineffective communication between mechanically ventilated patients and health care providers precludes the patient’s integral recovery once critical illness subsides (1✔ ✔Trusted SourcePatients' reports of health care practitioner interventions that are related to communication during mechanical ventilation
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Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Strategies
The following section reviews currently available tools and applications to enhance patient communication in the ICU setting.Communication Boards:
These boards consist of icons and pictures representing basic patient needs. Patients can point towards individual letters and symbols to form words and expressionsSpeech-Generating Devices or Voice-output Communication Aids
: These are handheld devices that allow patients to generate prerecorded messages by touching on words or picture icons‘Speaking’ Tracheostomy Tubes and an Electro-larynx
: These are technological modifications that serve as options for tracheostomized patientsWearable Personal Communication Devices
: EyeControl, developed by Eye Free Assisting Communication Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel, is a head-mounted infrared camera that tracks eye movements and translates those movements into effective communication (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Strategies for communicating with conscious mechanically ventilated critically ill patients
Go to source)ICU Patient Communicator Application
: This application, designed and provided by the Society of Critical Care Medicine, allows communication with the help of a handheld device. The patient can select from a number of icons with titles to explain his needs (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Patient Communicator App
Go to source)MyICUvoice Application
: Another application developed by a team of specialists from Cambridge is available free of cost. It also uses touch screen technology, and the patient can communicate about pain and feelings as well as basic needs by touching onscreen images and phrasesVidaTalk™
: An application with similar touchscreen technology that is available free of cost on both Apple AppStore and Google play store (4✔ ✔Trusted Source
VidaTalk™ patient communication application "opened up" communication between nonvocal ICU patients and their family
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Look to Speak
: Made by Google creative lab, this app combines the best of eye-tracking technology by using the mobile phone front-facing camera and vocalizing an editable list of phrases (5✔ ✔Trusted Source
Communication with Patients on Mechanical Ventilation: A Review of Existing Technologies
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Health Technology Solutions in ICU Patients: Where Are we Headed?
Future health technology solutions in the form of various applications and technologies for patient communication seem promising. These interventions will improve patient satisfaction and allow healthcare providers to provide comprehensive care to the patients. These solutions will make human interaction in critical care more inclusive.The application of
- Patients' reports of health care practitioner interventions that are related to communication during mechanical ventilation - (
- Strategies for communicating with conscious mechanically ventilated critically ill patients - (
- Patient Communicator App - (
- VidaTalk™ patient communication application "opened up" communication between nonvocal ICU patients and their family - (
- Communication with Patients on Mechanical Ventilation: A Review of Existing Technologies - (