The United States Food and Drug Administration Agency has approved Probuphine, the first buprenorphine implant to treat opioid dependence for a period of six months

- Opioids are narcotic drugs used to relieve pain. They produce tolerance, addiction and physical dependence.
- Addiction refers to the constant craving for a drug and physical dependence is when the patient develops withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation of the drug.
- The USFDA has approved Probuphine, the first buprenorphine implant for opioid dependence, which provides long-acting treatment for a period of six months.
- Probuphine implant must be administered only by trained healthcare professionals who are certified under the Probuphine Risk Evaluation and Management Strategy (REMS) program

Opioids are narcotic drugs derived from opium (poppy seeds) and are mainly used for pain relief. Drugs like morphine, heroin, and cocaine are well known for their psychoactive effects on the central nervous system. Side effects like sedation and respiratory depression are common with opioids and patients tend to develop tolerance or reduced effect, addiction and dependence over prolonged use.
Addiction, in general, refers to a chronic craving for a drug. It is a state of compulsiveness and strong desire to use the drug repeatedly by the individual to attain euphoria (state of well-being). On the other hand, physical dependence for opioids means that withdrawal symptoms appear on abrupt discontinuation of the drug. These effects can be minimized by the use of drugs like naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine which act on the specific opioid receptors and oppose the action of opioids.
Probuphine - An Innovative Implant
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now approved the use of an innovative implant known as Probuphine, which is as small as the size of a match stick and has to be implanted into the arm to treat opioid dependence for a period of six months.
Buprenorphine, available in the form of tablets or films to be placed inside the mouth, is sold in the market to prevent withdrawal symptoms and reduce the craving for opioids. But these dosage forms have the disadvantages of either accidental drug overdose or stepping up of the dose by the patient. However, the novel implant drug delivery system of Probuphine emits or dispenses buprenorphine for a longer period of time and does not allow the patient to take extra doses.
Nora Volkow, MD of the National Institute of Drug Abuse at the National Institute of Health feels that Probuphine will increase the treatment options for opioid use disorder.
A clinical study on Probuphine demonstrated that the safety and efficacy of the drug in the treatment of patients with opioid dependence who were stable following treatment with buprenorphine. The study reported that about 63% patients who were treated with Probuphine did not use any illicit opioids during the six months. Probuphine has not yet been tested in those below 16 years or those above 65 years.
Demerits of Probuphine
Although Probuphine proves to be effective for the treatment of opioid dependence, it also poses some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, toothache, back pain, constipation, depression and throat pain. It may also result in itching, redness and pain on the site where the implant is administered.
Caution: Probuphine must be dispensed and administered only by certified health care professionals who are trained under the Probuphine Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) as the surgical procedures for administration of implant under the skin may sometimes lead to risk migration or protrusion which would result in the expulsion of the drug, and nerve damage. There is also a risk of accidental overdose.
- FDA Approves First
Buprenorphine Implant for Treatment of Opioid
Dependence - Treating
Addiction to Prescription Opioids - Increases
in Drug and Opioid Overdose Deaths - United States, 2000 - 2014 Source-Medindia