MOHAN USA in association with the American Society of Transplantation (AST), pioneers the cause of improving organ donation rates among minorities in the US.
- MOHAN USA, (Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network) in association with American Society of Transplantation (AST) organized a special event on organ donation
- The theme for the event was ‘Strategies to Increase Awareness and Organ Donation Rates Amongst Minorities’
- Dr. Sunil Shroff, founding trustee of MOHAN Foundation, touched on the salient points about organ donation patterns in South Asia and the local topics and sensitivities that affect it

Next on stage was Dr. Randeep Kashyap, surgical director of Kidney transplant at the University of Rochester, whose research focused on using primary care physician offices as effective enrolment venues for organ donor registration. This was followed by an impassioned lecture by Mr. Kevin O’Conner, president and CEO of Life Center Northwest, the most successful Organ Procurement Organization in the country on the key strategies to increase organ donation and registration.
The final presentation was by Dr. Sunil Shroff, founding trustee of MOHAN Foundation, who touched on the salient points about organ donation patterns in South Asia and the local topics and sensitivities that affect it.
The Impact
A lively debate and discussion ensued at the end of the lectures about potential strategies to increase organ donation among minorites, especially South Asians, who have a significant burden of disease, but a low organ donor registration and consent rate. Dr. Callendar’s talk was very revealing as the audience learned how the rate of donations among the black population has risen over a decade due to public engagement and creating community awareness by MOTTEP at the grassroot level. Thanks to their work, the latest UNOS data shows that the rate of donation among blacks is either comparable or better than most ethnic groups in the country.It was also evident that there is very little data in the literature about organ donation and registration rates among the South Asian population. Based on the personal experiences of the experts present at the meeting, it was felt that there is a great need to engage this community in this process and reach out to them at the grassroot level to increase their participation in both organ donation and registration. There was unanimous agreement that it was vitally important to perform more research on this topic and Dr. Callendar and Melancon offered help with their expertise to MOHAN USA to get in step with the logistics of research.
1. Mohan Foundation (