Challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have stirred up an anticipating hope to start fresh in 2021. A healthy diet, timely exercise, and proper self-care top the list of 2021 calendar resolutions.

- Challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic have stirred up an anticipating hope to start fresh in 2021
- A healthy diet and proper self-care top the list of 2021 calendar resolutions
- Daily exercise and relaxing our mind free from negative impacts add a lot to our well-being
- Reflect and think about “What I’m Leaving in 2020” with a positive gratitude towards all the hurdles faced in 2020, sets a sense of well-being to start a New Year of 2021
- Eat well
- Boost the immunity
- Stay hygienic
- Above all, proper, timely care of OURSELVES!

Immune-boosting Foods
Consuming a variety of healthy balanced diet and foods rich in vitamins A, C and D, and zinc, support the immune system. These may include protein-rich foods, citric fruits like oranges, lemon, strawberries, milk, yogurt, vitamin D fortified foods, beans, nuts, whole grains, fish, meat, and eggs.Also, gut health plays a vital role in immunity. So adding a mix of prebiotic (high-fiber) and probiotic (fermented) foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi satisfies the immune need.
Alcohols and sugars may negatively affect the immune system. So using them in moderation or just skipping sugar and alcoholic beverages helps.
Get Enough Sleep
A good night’s sleep bestows our immune system with wonders, apart from just clearing the bags under our eyes. As part of an overall wellness plan this year, growing interest in sleep is reported by Pinterest’s 2021 Trends Report – “Zzz time is the new me time.”
Avoiding caffeine or alcohol too close to bedtime helps push away sleep problems.
Water replenishes our body and also revives our immunity. Staying hydrated creates a healthy environment for the body to produce more of the immune cells and increase the ability to fight against infections. Daily 2-3 liters of water for an average adult fill the gap just right.
Exercise Regularly
We all are aware of the benefits of exercise. Many of us make New Year’s resolutions to include exercise regimen as a part of our routine, and ultimately, we fail to stick to it, partly due to a busy schedule.
However, the year 2020 has taught us the importance of considering the self-care regimen as a top priority. Aerobic exercises or even simple 30 minutes of walking a day help manage excessive stress levels and keep our mind and body healthy.
Reduce Stress in your life and Seek the Call of your Mind
Finding healthy ways to cope with the unfair share of anxiety and stress caused by the pandemic requires mental relaxation. Engaging in meditation techniques, relaxing therapies, listening to music, conversing with family, or friends or even seeking professional helps.
Increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression that many of us faced during the pandemic may impact our body’ immune system and overall functioning. It can be dangerous for our heart health too.
Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which are released during mental distress, can increase the body’s heart rate and blood pressure. This leads to the worsening of stress-related heart issues; especially in women.
Thus the faculty at Palo Alto University, which is dedicated to psychology and counseling, curated the list of 21 meaningful ways to make 2021 a more balanced year for you and other people in your life by following simple strategies:
Practice Self-compassion
Self-compassion gives us space to breathe and take the time to take care of ourselves in a healing and kind way.
Watch your Breathing
The simple act of watching our breath throughout the day while being engaged in our works and noting how we feel can alert us to times and opportunities for taking care of ourselves.
Pick a Few Simple, Easy Goals
If you’re feeling stuck at home, accomplish a few activities you wouldn't normally have time for, like reorganizing a closet, purging old emails, learning a new language/skill, writing poems, gardening or planning a new exercise regimen. This helps revive nostalgic thoughts and makes us more engaging.
Well-being is not a “one size fits all” experience. It varies with one person to the next. Consider what well-being looks like for you and engage in those things that support your personal experience.
Give Yourself Permission to Take a Tech-Break
The year 2020 has revolutionized our reliance on social media and technology. Do we constantly scan for missed texts, tweets, and emails throughout the day or spend more time on Zoom and Facebook than with the people who share our living space.
Considering how this surge of tech dependency impacts your sense of well-being, helps in planning better ways to deal with it.
Reflect and Think About “What I’m Leaving in 2020”
Write a letter to yourself listing all of the accomplishments, lessons, and things you are most grateful for in 2020. This is a beautiful way to give yourself a future perspective of DO’s and DONT’s in 2021 and make the past year feel complete.
Recalling happy, positive life events, and practicing forgiveness often help us let go of the grudge and negative feelings, thereby contributing to our well-being.
Even as the pandemic is a top health concern, there’s room for thinking beyond it and plan for a better life.
We Wish You All a Happy and Healthy New Year 2021