The prisoners with inadequate exercise and improper diet are exposed to the threat of non-communicable diseases.

This research is the first systematic analysis of the identifiable risk factors of non-communicable diseases, like poor and faulty diet, inadequate exercises, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption and smoking, among the prisoners.
The experts have examined 31 studies that included 60,000 prisoners in about 884 institutions across 15 nations. They have discovered that women prisoners were 18% more likely to be overweight as compared to the general women population in the USA. Similar results were seen with Australian women prisoners.
The female prisoners in Great Britain had less chance to be obese than non-imprisoned females, for which the experts did not have an explanation.
Further they saw that male prisoners were 13% to 67% less likely to be overweight than non-imprisoned men.
The data for physical activity was available for Australia and England, and it revealed that in contrast to Australian prisoners and the non-imprisoned general UK populations, the prisoners in UK were less likely to get recommended physical activity guidelines.
The scientists mentioned, "This difference cannot be attributed purely to a cultural difference; something must be inherent in the structure of the prison environment that enables Australian prisoners to exercise.
The experts concluded that, “Studies in Australia and Japan describe how the prison regime can favorably influence NCD risk factors, thus showing that improvement of prison regimes and environments in such a way that favors health promotion and reduces modifiable risk factors is possible. The challenge remains to ensure that every prison provides a healthy diet and ample opportunities for physical activity."
In a joint comment, Dr Frank W. Arnold, the Director of research, Oxford Wound Healing Unit, Medical rapporteur for Freedom from Torture and Helen Bamber Foundation, and co-founder, Medical Justice Network stated,
"In countries where the frequency and duration of incarceration are rising, the incidence and consequences of non-communicable diseases will inevitably increase in parallel with an aging population in jail. An increase in the incidence of non-communicable diseases will magnify problems associated with management of disorders such as diabetes and epilepsy, and prisoners could be accused (rightly or wrongly) of manipulating their treatment for nefarious ends, potentially resulting in dangerous neglect.
Ultimately, the most important potentially modifiable factor in prisoners' environment is imprisonment itself. Since much international variation exists in the rates at which people are incarcerated and the reasons why this happens, there seems to be substantial scope for beneficial reform. But such reform is a political question, not a medical one."
Further researches and extensive monitoring are needed to make effective interventions in the vulnerable, prison population.
Prevalence of risk factors for non-communicable diseases in prison populations worldwide: a systematic review; Dr.Katharine et al; The Lancet Online Publication 2012