Men these days tend to suffer from a variety of health issues such as obesity, sexual dysfunction, stress etc. Recent researches have revealed few health boosting tips for men.

According to a Swedish study there have been certain tips that have been put forth as health boosters for men. The first booster seems to be intake of chocolate. The health boosting flavonoids that are present in chocolates help to reduce clot formation and lower blood pressure.
The Better Half of Man’s Life
Marriage has been always associated with nagging wives and increased tension in men. But, research has found that married men are a lot happier than their widowed or divorced or single counterparts. Research states that a little bit of wifey nagging in married men such as pushing them to go for routine health check-ups actually works wonders for their health and also helps them to lead a healthier lifestyle, indulging less in alcohol and cigarettes and exercising more often.
Men think workouts in gym are to improve their physical appearance. But the truth is muscular body can also help you to live longer. A Swedish study tracked more than one million male adolescents over the course of 24 years, and found that those with stronger muscles lived longer than weaker males, even if they later became overweight.
T-shirts are associated with casual wears. They may have no direct impact on men’s health but they add on by helping to boost one’s self image and the way they look at themselves as well as others around them. More restrictive clothing with collars and ties can reduce the blood flow to the brain and cause disrupted vision, headache, dizziness and fatigue no to mention lack of concentration as well. Wearing a casual T- Shirt whenever permitted allows men to feel relaxed and refreshed.
Research has also found out that men tend to feel happier and healthy when they indulge themselves in house hold activities. A Cambridge University research has revealed that men feel guilty when they do not give their effort to share on the house chores thereby leading to psychological problems. To avoid this, plunge into household activities and bond better with people working around you at home.
So men, start working out these tips to lead a better and healthy life.
UK lifestyle magazine and - Healthy Active Living