World Alzheimer’s day 2012 is celebrated on September 21st every year with a view to changing the attitudes of people towards victims and support caregivers in their effort to provide quality care.

In order to address this major setback, the theme for World Alzheimer’s Day 2012 is 'Dementia: Living Together'. The objective of this theme is to reduce the stigma associated with dementia that exists in our communities. Often, misconceptions exist due to ignorance and this causes judgements to be made on distorted facts. WAD2012 is an endeavour to change the attitudes of people towards victims and support caregivers in their effort to provide quality care for their dear ones in the throes of a debilitating disorder.
Stigma and Alzheimer’s disease
Many Indians consider Alzheimer’s as a disease of the West and are unaware of its signs and symptoms. Unfortunately, stigma about dementia coupled with ignorance causes families to disregard early symptoms and put off timely action.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex brain disorder, which takes its name after the German physician, Alois Alzheimer, who first identified the disease in 1906. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia affecting people over the age of 60.
Statistics show that each year the challenge of Alzheimer’s disease goes up with nearly 350,000 fresh cases. Since, Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system, victims suffer lapses in memory as well as reduction in their mental abilities.
Behavioural changes, alterations in mood, drastic reduction in mental abilities, memory loss, confusion, anxiety, fear and even depression are signs of gradual progression of the disease which must be taken in the right spirit in order to focus on planning and strategising quality of care.
World Alzheimer's day 2012 is a reassurance to caregivers and victims that they are not fighting a lone battle. To remove the stigma and myths around the disease and to step up awareness is undoubtedly the way to go. To tackle one of the most devastating diseases of the brain, what we clearly need is better planning and strategies to help victims and caregivers respond more positively to the disease.