According to an Australian study, ten thousand steps a day and pumping iron thrice a week could make employees extra productive and extend their lifespan by five years!

The Study
The Body-Brain Performance Institute, in collaboration with Swinburne University’s Brain Sciences Institute, conducted a study on 40 employees belonging to the Melbourne branch of the global software company, SAP. The researchers provided the subjects with pedometers and separated them into two groups.
The control group was required to take 10,000 steps a day, while the second group had to take 10,000 steps, in addition to undergoing three resistance- training sessions designed by the researchers, each week. It must be kept in mind that the average office worker takes only about 2000 to 3000 steps each day.
After eight weeks, the measurable components of the subjects were analyzed. They included--brain function, alertness, energy levels, their ability to plan, remember, simulate future scenarios and decision making ability. These parameters were measured by employing a neuropsychological test battery developed by the Swinburne institute where the study was conducted.
The study clearly revealed that there was a clear association between vigorous physical activity, increased brain function and reduced stress levels at work.
Harvard University’s Productivity Questionnaire was used to translate the employees’ physical betterment into dollar value; and it was discovered that staff who were part of the exercise group had been instrumental in annually roping in an additional $2500 for the employers.
The study helped to assert what earlier studies had revealed --that regular, vigorous exercises boosts productivity, improves brain function, decreases stress and increases overall happiness. Nevertheless, most bosses are a wary lot with their focus solely on productivity and with having very little to do about staff welfare.
No employer would like the idea of his employee taking a walk in the park when he was required to be present at his desk most of the time. But if an afternoon jog by an employee brings in more money then it certainly worth considering. After all which boss does not like his office to be buzzing with activity with outputs from a group of cheerful and productive employees? It would certainly do the bosses a world of good to harness the benefits of exercising at work place.
So next time you want to bond with your colleague over a calorie -packed lunch, consider taking a walk in the park together. It would definitely tilt the health scales and the pay scales in your favor..!