Is Amla good for diabetes? Yes, eating amla (Indian gooseberry) every day can control your blood sugar levels and promote healthy weight loss. So, make sure to add amla into your daily diet to treat diabetes.
- Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla can be used as a natural remedy to treat diabetes
- Eating one amla a day can control your blood sugar levels and help you lose weight naturally
- So, make sure to include this sour and healthy ingredient to your diet to fight a wide range of health conditions from head to toe
Amla is often used in Ayurvedic medicines due to its powerful antioxidant properties to prevent and cure numerous health conditions from head to toe.
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It is claimed that eating amla berry rich in antioxidants can help slow down aging, boost your immune system and detoxify your body.
Amla is also low in calories and high in vitamin C, which is essential for repairing of pancreatic tissues and weight reduction, which is an add-on benefit for people with diabetes. According to Ayurveda, eating amla every day can help normalize metabolism and reduce the accumulation of fat, which helps in weight loss.
Is Amla Good for Diabetes?
Several research studies have suggested the potential anti-diabetic effects of amla. A study tested on diabetic animals suggested that using amla extracts can cause blood glucose to drop. Another study on diabetic rats revealed that drinking amla juice may help treat certain health problems widespread in people with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Amla also contains chromium that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and may make the body more sensitive to insulin, which in turn helps keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range.
How to Use Amla for Diabetes?
- Eating just one fresh Indian gooseberry a day can keep your blood sugar at a steady level. If you find the taste too tangy or sour, try sipping a glass of water immediately after eating the fruit to give you a sweet aftertaste
- Drying the amla pulp, grinding it into a fine powder and incorporating the dry amla powder to your diet can lower your blood sugar levels
- Drinking amla juice daily can control high blood sugar and help you maintain healthy body weight