Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water

Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water

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Distilled water is the water that has been purified through the process of distillation. Drinking distilled water can benefit your overall health.

What is Distilled Water?

Water that has been purified by the process of distillation is known as distilled water. The water is heated to the boiling point, the steam is collected and allowed to condense, thereby removing almost all impurities including nitrates, bacteria, sodium, solids, lead, organic compounds and other contaminants. Distilled water might taste bland because of the removal of minerals naturally found in water.

Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water

The following are some benefits of drinking distilled water:
  • Distillation eliminates water-borne contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa that may be potentially found in water. Drinking distilled water can help to alleviate the risk of infections and cleanse the body of toxins.
  • As part of the water treatment process, chemicals like chlorine or fluoride are commonly added to municipal water. Fluoride can lead to discoloration of teeth and breaking down of tooth enamel, whereas chlorine can be harmful to your skin and your body. Hence through distillation, these chemicals are filtered out from the water and make the water clean and pure to drink.
  • Calcium is known to be essential for maintaining good health. But excessive amount of calcium can lead to kidney stone formation. Municipal water supplies often contain calcium in it. By removing excess calcium, distilled water reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.
  • Distilled water has the ability to remove inorganic compounds that can cause damage to the body in many ways such as accumulating in the blood arteries and small blood vessels causing plaque build up.
A Word of Caution

Though distilled water is free of impurities, it also lacks minerals, some of which are important for our body. This could have adverse effects if the water is consumed over prolonged durations. It is also important to note that the equipment used to distil the water should be clean to avoid contamination during the process.










