Out of every 100,000 people in the British population, 60 were found to have gonorrhea, the bacterial infection due to sexual transmission.

- Cocaine use and reported cases of gonorrhea are highest in the UK out of all countries across Europe.
- Young adults aged 15 – 34 were the highest users of cocaine.
- Gonorrhea, the sexually transmitted bacterial infection can lead to infertility.

"Cocaine is the most commonly used illicit stimulant in Europe," the authors wrote. "The percentage of young adults consuming cocaine is highest in the United Kingdom, Spain and the Netherlands with 3 per cent or more of young adults having used cocaine at least once in the last year."
The report said cocaine use has gone up in recent years in at least six countries, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Poland.
Experts have warned there is a strain of gonorrhoea which is resistant to one of the two antibiotics used to treat the infection.
Sexually transmitted infections usually develop within about two weeks of a person being infected. In women, they include vaginal discharge and a burning feeling while going to the loo and in men it can include unusual discharge from the penis or pain while urinating.
Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for health and food safety, said: "The Health At A Glance report provides useful information for member states to shape their actions on health across all policies.”
Dr Michael Brady, medical director at Terrence Higgins Trust, previously told Express.co.uk, said: “We cannot expect to avoid a sexual health crisis in England unless we invest in effective STI testing, treatment and prevention services in a range of settings, and unless all young people receive mandatory and high quality Sex and Relationships Education in all schools."
Overall the authors conclude that life expectancy across Europe has increased, but many are spending their additional years in ill health.