Cosmetic surgery carries with it a risk of infections, pain, long recovery times; no guaranteed 'makeover'

It corrects the wrong: Being born with a flat nose or a huge mole doesn't really mean you have to live with it. A surgery could really change the way you look, and it could impact you big! Cosmetic surgery is a wonderful boon of science, excellent at correcting physical deformities and improving appearance. Reconstructive surgery can be extremely beneficial for those suffering from congenital anomalies and extensive scarring.
It boosts your confidence: There's no question about it - the way you look at yourself has a huge impact on your confidence levels. And getting a plastic surgery can build it. Statistics reveal that patients having undergone plastic surgery to enhance appearance had a good social circle, and it improved their ability to interact.
Trauma from an accident or burn marks from a fire can leave both - your face and your confidence scarred for life. With cosmetic surgery at your disposal, you may be able to overcome the trauma better.
It improves your quality of life: An accident can leave you dented, but surgery can lend you back your life. Plastic surgery can have benefits on both-your physical and emotional self. If you’re happy, you’ll live happier, and with confidence. Many people have experienced fears and inadequacy melting away after the surgery.
Though cosmetic surgery itself has a number of benefits, it also carries along with it a handful of risks and complications. Consulting your surgeon for a detailed analysis, calculating the risks of the surgery, is essential; after all, you don’t want to end up looking disfigured than before.