Sleeping with your spouse can solve all your sleep problems, says a new study. Sharing your bed with your partner helps boost your mental health, your memory and creative problem-solving skills.
Highlights :
- Couples sharing the bed tend to have good quality sleep and improved memory
- Rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep is increased in couples sleeping together
- So, get better sleep by cuddling and snuggling with your partner

Additionally, the participants completed questionnaires designed to measure relationship characteristics (e.g., relationship duration, degree of passionate love, relationship depth, etc).
The results showed that rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep is both increased and less disrupted in couples sleeping together compared to when they slept individually. This finding is particularly relevant because REM sleep, which is associated with vivid dreams, has been linked to emotion regulation, memory consolidation, social interactions and creative problem solving.
The team also found that couples synchronize their sleep patterns when sleeping together. This synchronization, which is not linked to the fact that partners disturb each other during the night, is positively associated with relationship depth. In order words, the higher participants rated the significance of their relationship to their life, the stronger the synchronization with their partner.
The researchers propose a positive feedback loop in which sleeping together enhances and stabilizes REM sleep, which in turns improves our social interactions and reduces emotional stress. Although researchers did not specifically measure these possible effects, Dr. Drews says that "since these are well known effects of REM sleep, it is very likely that they would be observed if testing for them."
Although results are promising, many questions remain to be answered. "The first thing that is important to be assessed in the future is whether the partner-effects we found (promoted REM sleep during co-sleep) are also present in a more diverse sample (e.g., elderly, or if one partner suffers from a disease)" says Dr. Drew.