Health problems, such as infections, allergies and other illnesses are more commonly seen in children born to PCOS mothers.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can make it difficult for women to become pregnant
- PCOS in mothers may increase health problems in their children
- Health problems, such as infections, allergies and other illnesses are more commonly seen in children born to mothers with PCOS
- Creating awareness among parents can help improve outcomes in children
What is PCOS?
PCOS is a common disorder of the ovaries that can affect up to 10% of women of reproductive age. The main features are irregular periods, high levels of the male hormone androgen, which may cause excess facial or body hair, and the ovaries can become enlarged and contain fluid-filled sacs (follicles) that surround the eggs.

Women with PCOS are at risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Several studies have shown links between problems in pregnancy and birth, such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and preterm birth. However, the long-term effect of PCOS on offspring is poorly understood and has received little attention.
Link Between Maternal PCOS and Health of Offspring
The study, which is published in Human Reproduction, one of the world’s leading reproductive medicine journals, looked at 1,038,375 children born in Quebec, Canada, between 2006 and 2020. Of these, 7,160 children were born to mothers with PCOS.Researchers found that children of mothers with PCOS were 32% more likely to be admitted to hospitals with a variety of health problems than children of mothers without PCOS. They were 31% more likely to be admitted for infectious diseases and 47% more likely to be admitted for allergy-related problems, such as asthma.
Dr. Nathalie Auger, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the School of Public Health, University of Montreal, Canada, who led the study, said: “These findings fill a big gap in what we know about the long-term health of children whose mothers have PCOS. Primary care doctors and obstetricians should consider identifying women with PCOS before conception and offering early interventions such as weight management and strategies to help prevent problems such as diabetes and heart and blood vessel diseases. Family doctors and pediatricians should consider monitoring children more closely after birth to minimize morbidity. Greater parental awareness may help improve outcomes in children.”
She said genetic factors could also play a role, with the environment in the womb causing modifications in how some genes work in offspring.
The researchers adjusted their findings to take into account factors that could affect the results such as mothers’ other health problems, age, parity, alcohol and tobacco use, and socioeconomic deprivation. They found that the associations between maternal PCOS and the health of offspring were not explained by fertility treatments, multiple births, preterm births or the mothers’ other health problems.
Strengths of the study include its size and the fact that it evaluated a wide range of infections, allergies and malignant diseases, as well as specific health problems such as respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic, gastrointestinal, urinary, genital, musculoskeletal, central nervous system, ear, eye and mental and behavioral disorders.
Limitations include the fact that the researchers used data from the Maintenance and Use of Data for the Study of Hospital Clientele repository, which contains discharge records for all inpatients, which meant that they only analyzed outcomes for children that were admitted to the hospital. They could not identify women with mild PCOS who were never diagnosed or children with less severe illnesses who were not treated in the hospital. They also lacked data on ethnicity, education, pre-pregnancy body mass index, weight gain during pregnancy, physical activity, information about the use of medications such as metformin, and the age of fathers.
“We believe that further research is needed to see if effective management of maternal PCOS can reduce the risk of health problems in offspring and improve long-term health. We need to know if exercise, dietary changes and medications can make a difference,” said Dr. Auger.
“In future work, we intend to examine outcomes of pregnancy, as well as future outcomes of women with PCOS. These women may be at risk of developing cardiovascular disease or other health problems, and epidemiologic research documenting this possibility is needed to help improve the management of these patients.”