People with a higher omega-3 DHA level are 49% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Simple dietary intervention can work better.
- People with a higher blood DHA level are 49% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
- Providing extra dietary omega-3 DHA for people carrying the ApoE4 gene can slow the disease progression
- Simple dietary intervention could amount to billions in health care cost savings
Link Between DHA and Alzheimer’s Disease
In this prospective observational study conducted within the Framingham Offspring Cohort — including 1490 dementia-free participants aged ≥65 years old — researchers examined the association of red blood cell (RBC) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with incident Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), while also testing for an interaction with APOE-ε4 carriership.Risk for incident AD in the highest RBC DHA quintile (Q5, >6.1%) was 49% lower compared with the lowest quintile (Q1, <3.8%). An increase in RBC DHA from Q1 to Q5 was predicted to provide an estimated 4.7 additional years of life free of AD.
Further, the researchers noted that an increased intake of DHA might lower risk for developing AD, particularly in higher-risk individuals such as those carrying the APOE-ε4 allele, suggesting that they may benefit more from higher DHA levels than non-carriers.
The public health impact of preventing AD with something as simple as a dietary intervention like DHA is also significant.
So how does this paper stack up to others in this area? “Our study is in line with that of Tan et al. who reported cross-sectional associations with RBC DHA on cognitive performance and brain volume measurements (with higher DHA being associated with beneficial outcomes) in the same cohort as studied here,” said William S. Harris, PhD, President of FARI, and senior author on this recent study.
“Similar findings a generation apart in a similar genetic pool provide considerable confirmation of this DHA-dementia relationship.”