Don't Sit Right After Running: Cool Down! Stay Steady! Avoid Dizziness!

Don't Sit After Running: Cool Down! Stay Steady! Avoid Dizziness!

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  • Sitting down right after running can cause dizziness or fainting
  • Sitting down immediately after running can impede blood flow, causing it to pool in your legs and making you feel dizzy
  • Take adequate rest, breathe deeply, and stay hydrated to avoid dizziness after a tough workout
Sitting down immediately after a workout (especially after running) can do more harm than good.
Feeling dizzy or light-headed soon after a workout can mean you're dehydrated, overexerted, have low blood pressure (hypotension) or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and other issues (1 Trusted Source
Why Do I Have Dizzy Spells While Working Out?

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Sitting down too quickly after running is not a good idea because your body needs time to shift gradually from intense exercise to rest to normalize your heart rate and blood circulation. If you stop suddenly and sit down right away, your body might have trouble adjusting, which can make you feel dizzy or faint.



Common Causes for Feeling Dizzy after Exercise


Post-workout: Wait Before You Sit!

Sitting down as soon as you finish running causes your muscles to stop moving, which slows down the flow of blood back to your heart, said Dr. Dharmesh Shah, Founder & Director of Holistica World.

This can cause blood to accumulate in your legs, reducing circulation and making you feel lightheaded or dizzy.

In some cases, blood pooling in your legs can put extra pressure on the veins, thereby worsening varicose veins and causing discomfort.


Healthy Swaps for Sitting Down: Stand Up and Stretch Out!

Instead of sitting down, people can engage in a cool-down routine. Walking 5-10 minutes at a moderate pace may improve blood flow and circulation and also help in gradually lowering your heart rate.

Practicing simple stretching exercises can prevent muscle stiffness and promote flexibility.

How to Stop Feeling Dizzy After Running?

After completing a running session, make sure to take the necessary steps to help your body recover and adjust.


Make sure to drink plenty of water, fluids, fruit juices or an electrolyte drink to rehydrate, as running causes you to lose a lot of fluids through sweat.

Cool Down:

Stopping immediately without a cool down can lead to light-headedness and dizziness. Hence, always do a cool-down with light walking and stretching to help your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal.

Post-Workout Nutrition:

Eat a well-balanced snack or meal with enough carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes to an hour after your run. This helps in muscle recovery and restores energy.

Rest and Recovery after Running:

Give your body time to recover by getting enough sleep and taking rest days between intense workouts if needed.

Prevention is always better than cure. Hence, soon after completing the exercise, you need to cool down, stay hydrated, and remain steady to avoid dizziness.

  1. Why Do I Have Dizzy Spells While Working Out? - (

