Early Work Choices Shape Midlife Physical and Mental Health

Early Work Choices Shape Midlife Physical and Mental Health

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  • Early exposure to irregular work schedules may lead to poorer sleep, mental health issues, and overall reduced well-being in midlife
  • Individuals transitioning from stable work hours in their 20s to irregular schedules in their 30s are particularly vulnerable to adverse health outcomes
  • Racial and gender disparities exist, with certain groups facing a disproportionate burden of negative health effects from irregular work schedules
The work hours logged earlier in life may have lasting effects on health later on, suggested a study released in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Wen-Jui Han from New York University, US (1 Trusted Source
How our longitudinal employment patterns might shape our health as we approach middle adulthood-US NLSY79 cohort

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). Previous research consistently demonstrates that nontraditional work schedules, like those outside the typical nine-to-five timeframe, can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental well-being, as well as on social and family life. This study adopts a life-course perspective to examine how work schedule patterns over a person’s career influence their health in middle age.


Work Schedules Affect Physical and Mental Health

Using data from The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-1979 (NLSY79), which tracks over 7,000 individuals in the US for more than 30 years, Han investigates whether employment patterns in early adulthood correlate with sleep, physical health, and mental health at age 50.

The findings reveal that approximately a quarter of participants (26%) maintained stable standard hours throughout their careers, while another third (35%) predominantly worked standard hours. Around 17% initially adhered to standard hours in their 20s but later shifted to irregular working patterns, comprising evening, night, and variable hours. Additionally, 12% initially worked standard hours but transitioned to variable hours later, with the remaining 10% mostly not working during this period.


People in 9-to-5 Jobs Sleep Better

Comparing individuals who consistently worked standard daytime hours with those who experienced more irregular work schedules, the latter group reported less sleep, lower sleep quality, and a higher likelihood of experiencing depressive symptoms at age 50. Particularly notable were the effects observed in individuals who transitioned from stable work hours in their 20s to volatile schedules in their 30s, akin to the impact of having an education level below high school.

Han also identifies racial and gender disparities. For instance, Black Americans were more prone to have irregular work schedules associated with poorer health outcomes, underscoring how certain demographic groups may bear a disproportionate burden of the negative consequences of such employment patterns.


Irregular Work Schedules Affects Overall Well-being

The study suggests that irregular work schedules contribute to sleep disturbances, physical exhaustion, and emotional strain, potentially compromising overall well-being. Moreover, it indicates that the effects, both positive and negative, of work schedules on health can accumulate over a lifetime, underscoring how employment patterns can exacerbate health disparities.

Han emphasizes that work, intended to provide resources for a decent life, has become a vulnerability to health due to the increasing instability in work arrangements within our unequal society. Individuals in marginalized social positions, such as females, Black Americans, and those with lower educational attainment, are disproportionately affected by these health consequences.

  1. How our longitudinal employment patterns might shape our health as we approach middle adulthood-US NLSY79 cohort - (



Have you ever considered how your work schedule might affect your health in later years?
