Eat Well to Do Well in Your Exams

Eat Well to Do Well in Your Exams

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What you eat before your exam can influence how well you do in your exams.

  • Exams can cause a lot of stress and planning your diet can help reduce the chances of going off track
  • Breakfast is important before an exam as it provides fuel to the brain and can help you do well
  • Include protein-rich foods to stay full and focus on the exam
The word exam in itself sends people into a frenzy. Exams aren't just stressful for children but for their parents and caregivers as well. But how important is your diet before an exam? Good health is imperative for optimum performance before an exam. Food is not just a source of fuel, but for a comforting factor for many.


The Right Kind of Food

Some foods can cause gastritis, bloating, and discomfort, while some other ones cause sleepiness and lethargy. Taking the right type of food is imperative. Exams are a period of stress for any student irrespective of age, it doesn't matter if you are a child or you are appearing for your masters. It is important to plan, schedule and organize your food, just the same way you do for your exams. A good diet can help beat the stress. Good food can help you prepare well and beat the anxiety that comes with this exam period.


Breakfast can Make or Break your Exam

Exams are an inevitable part of every student's life and there is no way you can avoid them. Eating regular and healthy meals and snacks during the exam period will help you stay nourished. We've all been told how important breakfast is and missing breakfast can be a bad idea because long hours of fasting leads to drop in blood sugar level and this affects cognition and focus, which is basically the make or break of your exams.
Sometimes, anxiety can make children feel nauseous and they tend to avoid eating. Still, make sure they have some food in their stomachs before an exam. Their brain will thank them. A good breakfast can energize the brain and work efficiently. This way, the concentration is on the exam rather than the rumbling sound of their stomach.

When you are hungry, it is hard to focus and concentrate. Attention is hampered and exam performance declines. Hence it is necessary as parents to ensure that your kids enjoy their meals and snacks. Help your child develop a healthy relationship with food and eating even as they're coping with exam stress.


What Foods Can I Include

Include foods that increase alertness, enhance memory retention, and can increase energy levels and general health of your child. Healthy food choices on exam day include protein-rich foods such as eggs, nuts, cottage cheese and yogurt.

A good breakfast combination can include whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk, porridge, muesli or eggs. For Indians, vegetable rich poha, or oats with nuts, fruits like bananas, apples, pears, and papaya may be given. Dry fruits and nuts are also concentrated sources of energy and should be included.

Yogurt is an excellent choice of protein and probiotics. This means it helps in maintaining the gut flora and prevents gastritis, abdominal bloating and discomfort.

It might be best to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates and oily food as they will induce sleep and cause gastritis. Better diet equals better performance.

Points to Remember

Hydration is key

Stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to poor exam performance and fatigue.

Smaller Digestible Meals might be Better

Stick to small frequent meals that are easy to digest over heavy meals. Include protein rich foods.

Choose Protein Over Sugar

Try to avoid sugary and salty foods as they can lead to bloating, water retention, and weight gain. Instead pick protein-rich foods which keep you fuller for longer and help build muscle.

Choose Fruit Over juice

Avoid fruit juices as they spike the blood sugar and can cause your mind to go into a state of confusion and chaos. Instead, prefer to eat the fruit whole. The fiber content will help prevent indigestion and abdominal bloating.

Inculcate Good Dietary Habits Young

Healthy diet and dietary habits start early in life and family and school plays a very important role in developing healthy eating habits. Healthy eating patterns which start early from life paves the way for good health. After all, there is no need to change healthy dietary habits during exams. However, if dietary habits are poor, it is necessary to bring in some discipline in the eating habits.

What you eat today can pave your way for tomorrow, both in terms of your health and professional career.

  1. The influence of academic examinations on energy and nutrient intake in male university students - (












