Recurrent gut infections can be treated with fecal transplant therapy, in which feces from a donor is infused into the gut of the patient.

This scatological treatment is considerably medieval but it has managed to catch the interest of certain modern day doctors due to its promising results.
Randomized trials carried out by Dutch scientists have proved that patients with serious, recurrent GI infections caused by the bacteria C. difficile have indeed become much better when donor feces was transplanted into their intestines. These patients fared so much better than the ones who were administered anti bacterial therapy that the study was halted much earlier than expected!
There is some aesthetic factor involved in this treatment but otherwise it is being seriously considered for three different reasons-- the increase in C.difficile infections due to rampant use of antibiotics, the increase in understanding of the role of bacteria in maintaining our body health and the experience of doctors who have carried out this procedure on their patients.
In a couple of years, it is hoped that an oral capsule would replace the squirmy procedures that are currently being used.