How Calcium-Rich Foods Improve Your Bone and Joint Health

How Calcium-Rich Food Improves Your Bone and Joint Health

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Calcium-rich diet, such as dairy products, almonds and cruciferous vegetables and fish, aids bone and joint health and prevent fractures.


  • With age there is wear and tear of our bones and joints.
  • Having calcium-rich diet can help to prevent this deterioration.
  • Include calcium-rich foods such as soybeans, cruciferous vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet for stronger bones.
Our bones experience wear and tear as we age. Joint movement often gets compromised by this wear and tear. This deterioration is a normal ageing process and common among post-menopausal women and not possible to prevent it. However, this wear and //tear of our bones and muscles may be minimised and slowed down with appropriate preventive measures and conscious efforts with our diet and adding supplements if required.
One of the minerals that are most crucial for the health of our bone health and muscle health is calcium. Our bones will generally remain healthy and robust if we can consume adequate calcium.

Our list of calcium-rich foods can help you maintain good bone health as you grow older.

Calcium-rich foods that promote bone health in middle age:

  1. Soybeans: If you are vegan and health-conscious, tofu might be a good substitute to help you achieve your calcium needs. Tofu is naturally devoid of gluten and contains no cholesterol. Other soybean products can be excellent natural sources of calcium and vitamin D, such as tempeh and fortified soy milk
  2. Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables are incredibly nutrient-rich. Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are a great source of calcium for those following a plant-based diet.
  3. Dairy products: Dairy products are a well-liked source of calcium and protein. Milk and yoghurt positively impact our bodies, particularly our bones. Another excellent source of calcium is cheese. Majority dairy products are versatile in their preparation and consumption, making them an excellent supplement to your regular diet.
  4. Fatty fish: Salmon and tuna are fatty fish rich in calcium and vitamin D. Omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in the absorption of numerous nutrients, are also abundant in fatty fish. (4 Trusted Source
    6 Ways to Keep Your Bones Strong and Healthy

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  5. Almonds: Nutrients are abundant in nuts in general. Almonds are a another rich source of calcium and protein, two nutrients that promote the health of our bones, muscles and joints. You can choose to have plain almonds or almond milk or even opt for almond butter.
  6. Eggs: Protein, calcium and vitamin D are just a few of the many nutrients that are abundantly available in eggs. These nutrients assist in strengthening our bones. Consume whole eggs rather than just egg whites to ensure you get adequate nutrients.
  7. Seeds: These tiny, nutrient-rich foods provide a lot of calcium. Chia seeds, poppy seeds and sesame seeds offer essential fatty acids and proteins that are healthy for your bones and overall health (3 Trusted Source
    Food for healthy bones

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    ). Chia seeds contain the mineral boron, which supports bone growth. It supports the body's metabolism of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  8. Legumes: Legumes are several varieties of beans and lentils that are good calcium sources. They are rich in fibre, protein, and other nutrients. Soybeans, green beans, red millets and peas have significant calcium levels. Phytates prevent your body from absorbing the calcium that beans provide. By soaking beans in water for a few hours and then boiling them in fresh water, you can lower the phytate content (2 Trusted Source
    Food and Your Bones - Osteoporosis Nutrition Guidelines

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Strong bones make a person less vulnerable to fractures and other bone-related illnesses, which one may be more susceptible to after the age of forty and after menopause (1 Trusted Source
Calcium-Rich Foods To Improve Your Bone Health If You're Nearing Middle age

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Including these food items in your diet regularly will ensure good bone and joint health.

  1. Calcium-Rich Foods To Improve Your Bone Health If You're Nearing Middle age - (
  2. Food and Your Bones — Osteoporosis Nutrition Guidelines - (
  3. Food for healthy bones - (
  4. 6 Ways to Keep Your Bones Strong and Healthy - (












