How to Stop Sleep Texting Effectively?

How to Stop Sleep Texting Effectively

Learn about sleep texting, its causes, and practical tips to stop it for better sleep quality and fewer embarrassing moments.

  • Sleep texting is a real phenomenon linked to parasomnias
  • Stress, sleep deprivation, and changes in sleep schedule are common triggers
  • Practical tips include turning off your phone and setting it to "do not disturb"
Have you ever woken up to find a text you don't remember sending? If alcohol isn't the culprit and there's no ghost in sight, it was probably a sleepy version of yourself. It may sound odd, but sleep texting is real. Here's what you need to know if it's happening to you (1 Trusted Source
Sleep Texting

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Sleep Texting is Real

Sleep texting is often triggered by a phone notification, causing your brain to react as if you were awake. This phenomenon falls under a category of sleep disorders known as parasomnias.

Parasomnias are disruptive sleep disorders that occur during REM (rapid eye movement) or NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep stages. Other examples include sleepwalking, sleep talking, night terrors, and sleep paralysis.



Why Does This Happen?

Unlike sleepwalking or talking, sleep texting leaves clear evidence on your phone. Several factors can trigger this type of parasomnia:

Stress: Poor sleep due to stress can increase the likelihood of sleep texting. A 2017 study on medical students linked stress and poor sleep quality, showing students with lower GPAs were four times more likely to have poor sleep quality.

Interrupted or Insufficient Sleep: Lack of sleep affects the entire body, especially the brain. A 2016 study found that sleep deprivation impacts the brain's resting-state networks, influencing attention, motivation, emotion, learning, and memory.

Changes in Sleep Schedule: Shifts in work hours or time zones can disrupt your circadian rhythm, and your internal body clock. Adjusting to these changes can affect your sleep and brain function until your body adapts. To help, dim the lights before sleep and brighten them when waking up.

Fever: High body temperature can disrupt cognition, mood, and sleep. A 2014 study on children with familial found increased parasomnias compared to a control group.

Genetics: Parasomnias can be hereditary. If your family has a history of sleep disorders, you might too.

Underlying Conditions: More serious conditions can cause sleep texting, especially if combined with other parasomnias. If the behavior persists despite a consistent sleep routine, consult a doctor.

Other Health Factors: Conditions like obstructive sleep apnea, certain medications (especially antipsychotics or antidepressants), substance use, and other health issues like GERD or restless leg syndrome can contribute to parasomnias.


When Does Sleep Texting Occur?

Sleep texting happens while you're asleep. If you keep your phone nearby and hear a notification, your brain might automatically respond. However, it can occur even without notifications. Texting has become such a routine part of life that it can happen subconsciously, even in your sleep.

How to Stop Sleep Texting

Though not dangerous, sleep texting can be embarrassing or annoying. Here are some tips to stop it:
  1. Turn off your phone before bed
  2. Set your phone to "do not disturb"
  3. Disable notifications
  4. Place your phone in another room if you're tempted to check it
  5. Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime
By understanding and addressing the causes of sleep texting, you can take steps to reduce or eliminate it, ensuring better rest and fewer awkward morning surprises.

Better sleep starts with understanding your nighttime habits. Make changes today for a restful tomorrow.

  1. Sleep Texting - (











